Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124


 This year’s maiden Edition of  Realers Ghana Awards (RGA23) is going to be taking place at Awutu-Bawjiase (Central Region), a location named Adinkra City on 18th February 2023.

TICKET🎟️: SINGLE: ¢10.00   DOUBLE: ¢15.00



Main Event 8:00pm

Realers Ghana Awards is an Award scheme structured, with the main purpose of not only awarding Talents, but also to ensure the growth in creative arts. As one family, alll winners shall be awarded accordingly with great honor.

If should Incase, a nominee was not able to top his or her category that’s unfortunate, but does not makes it impossible for such victim next time. Since this is the maiden Edition, and not the end.

As we pray to have a peaceful and successful event on the night, we also edge each and everyone that will make it to the event to play his/her best necessary roles, so as to make this whole event the very best and memorable one.

TICKET🎟️: SINGLE: ¢10.00   DOUBLE: ¢15.00

There are going to be performances on the main event and the guest artist for the night on February 18th is ADA Gh.

For more EnquiriesSponsor , Support etc. Kindly contact RGA23 organisers on the following numbers:

+233549966552 / +233550418421

Kindly stay tuned for further notice. Thank Y’all.


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